How do you contact your students' parents?

Have you ever wanted to send a quick text to the parents in your class?  Maybe reminding them tomorrow is picture day or that tomorrow is the last day to hand in money for the class trip?  It sounds like an amazing idea, but lets be honestly, do you really want parents knowing your personal phone number? Well, no need to worry anymore... just download  REMIND

         REMIND is an AMAZING app and website that allows you send text message blasts to parents/students without them knowing your phone number, or you knowing theirs.  

Signing up is super easy!
You either sign up through the app or on their website
To start, you will be promoted to enter your email address and your name.

Then, you'll name your class.

You will then be at your "home screen." On the left, is your class' sign up number and in the middle is where you write your messages. (this is from the website, the setup on the app is almost exactly the same)

The blue icon (on the top right side) will give you options of how to inform your parents about Remind.  I always tell them at Back to School Night and print the PDF to hand out.

And voila! You are now able to send texts without ANYONE ever seeing your phone number.  I loved it and will definitely be using it again this year!
Oh wait, almost forgot!!! it is totally FREE.



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