Gobble, Gobble!!

Some of my colleagues might say I have over done the turkey theme for the month and it's not even Thanksgiving yet…but…I don’t care!   It could be due to the many varieties of Thanksgiving hats that my students have created over the past week, or the fact that my kids sit at the lunch table practicing their lines for our Thanksgiving play we are putting on… but what I really think drives my colleagues a little crazy are the endless songs my students sing up and down the hallways… including our turkey rap song… “Gobble Gobble, Gobble Gobble Gobble What!”  I have my kiddies doing so many different Thanksgiving related activities I think they all might all turn into turkeys! 
My students are putting on a Thanksgiving play for our school the day before Thanksgiving, so I think making the connection across the curriculum is super engaging for them.  Today we were learning about sums of ten and practicing turn around facts, so naturally I added in some turkey time to these activities!

I started by giving each student a sentence strip with a number sentence on it.  They had to color in the correct number of feathers to represent their number sentence, and then use them to create their turkey feather hat. 

After the hats were created I separated my students around the room and gave them 1 minute to find their “turn around fact” partner.    Once all partners were paired together, I rolled out the life-sized number line and as a class we practice hopping on the number line to demonstrate their number sentences.  It was inevitable that as the students hopped up and down the number line, they were all gobbling like turkeys. 

I also created a turkey “sums of ten” math center activity to reinforce this lesson.  I mean, obvious I wasn’t going to stop at just creating the turkey hats… I told you people, I’m addicted to turkey!

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