October Fun

I absolutely love teaching in October, there are so many fun thematic activities that you can do in the classroom. Last week we were working on descriptive writing. In years past, I L.O.V.E.D using Abby's Pop Rocks Descriptive Writing Activity, but we are no longer allowed food in the classroom... womp, womp... So since it is October, I figured what's more fun than carving a pumpkin?? My kiddos were beyond excited when they walked into the classroom and saw all of the supplies on my table. They absolutely loved it, and their faces and reactions were priceless while removing the insides and seeds.  I am NOT an expert at carving, it was actually only the 2nd time I carved a pumpkin with out any help, so he is a tad unique looking.  I accidently cut off one of his teeth, but one of cuties said that he now really looks like he belongs in First Grade because he has missing a tooth!Below is a pic of my anchor chart (Inspired from The First Grade Parade), along with the activity the class completed.

Like most First Grade classes, we also began our unit on spiders. I am actually petrified of spiders, and of most insects and animals. I tried to avoid them at all costs, except when it comes to teaching.  I L.O.V.E. teaching about them, they are all just so interesting, and my kiddos always love learning about them.

I began the unit by putting plastic spiders in my Mystery Box, and had my kiddos ask Yes/No questions in order to guess what was in the box.  I let each of them keep a spider when they tell me a fact to add to our spider anchor chart. 

We also spoke a bunch about Schema, New Learning and Misconceptions.  For the most part, they already knew a lot about these creepy little crawlers.

Below are some freebies that we completed during the past week.

This week we will continue to learn more about spiders, and we will begin writing an informative/explanatory piece on spiders. 

One last thing.... I love BOOing people, but I could not for the life of me find a Boo-ing sign that was in black and white, so it was easy to photocopy, so I created my own.  I also adjusted the rules a tad because we are a fairly small school. I had everyone only boo one person.  The best way to start it going, is to have another teacher boo someone else at the same time, this way there are two different trails going on.  Below is a copy. 
Hope you enjoy it!


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