Letter Writing with Dear Mr. Blueberry

Do you paint in the classroom??  I always try to find and alternative or an easier way to create a craft instead of taking out the paints.... but, this week I was so happy that I had the courage to wipe the dust off the trusty old watercolors.  
Throughout March we focus on letter writing.  We begin with friendly letters, move on to persuasive letters to that sneaky leprechaun and finish the month up with information/persuasive letters.  To begin the informational letters I always read Dear Mr. Blueberry.  It's the perfect book to teach letter writing.  The book consists of letters Emily exchanges with her teacher Mr. Blueberry.  Emily is convinced there is a whale living in her pond and Mr. Blueberry responds with reasons why it couldn't possibly be a whale.  
It is on Amazon if you need the book you can get it here... Dear Mrs Blueberry Book

Following the readings I gave each student a piece of paper and had them draw a whale, then I said the magically word... PAINT.   They could hardly believe it... Is she really letting US use PAINT???  They were elated! 
For the whole time the paints were out they did not say a peep ...they just painted their masterpieces, they were so engaged an loved every second of it.  Not one child asked for help nor said they couldn't do it... they just picked up their paint and the magic began....Their whales came out absolutely amazing....
The following day we read a variety of books about blue whales. Each student had to write a letter to Emily convincing her why it wasn't possible for a whale to live in her pond.  

I was so proud of how hard they worked.  They came out too cute for words.  If you want the writing paper we used click HERE to get it.

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